At DSM our purpose is to create brighter lives for people today and generations to come. We connect our unique competences in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences to create solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance.
Smiling young man, girl and boy having breakfast outside with glasses of orange juice, muesli bowls and rolls
Our aim is to help customers succeed in their markets through strong innovation, exceptional application expertise and insight into the many, ever-changing needs of consumers worldwide.
For food, beverage and supplement manufacturers we offer the comprehensive resources needed to provide customized solutions. Scientific excellence aside, that means a deep knowledge and understanding of markets, consumers and the defining trends in our industry. Namely:
  • A sharp focus on health benefits: Consumers across the world want to look and feel better. The empowerment and awareness of consumers from India to Indiana is a defining trend in food and beverage nutrition, which we meet through our family of nutritional ingredients and products.
  • Taste is a key qualifier: If a product doesn’t taste good it doesn’t stand much chance of success. As the world’s tastes and preferences evolve and expand, we are increasingly helping customers innovate, with exciting, authentic and regional flavors and ingredients provided in a streamlined and efficient way.
  • The drive for convenience: Despite the trend for health foods, time-pressed consumers are looking to buy more processed and convenience food than ever. DSM is committed to helping customers address the need for fast, high-quality products.
  • Food safety and quality: Our ingredients are based on solid scientific evidence and application knowledge based on decades of experience in our markets. We’re well aware that food safety and compliance is paramount for growing and ambitious food brands.

Our philosophy in action: ‘Essentials for men’

Understanding consumers and markets is a huge part of DSM’s nutritional expertise. Upon close inspection of the health and nutrition market, we began to hit upon an opportunity to address the needs of around half the world’s population.
We conducted an extensive survey to investigate the unique nutritional needs and desires of the male species, and as a result launched ‘Essentials for men’. It’s a unique health benefit platform that blends high-quality and safe nutrients with human-based evidence and insight to help our customers position their products and brands more effectively.
‘Essentials for men’ addresses physical and mental performance, sexual performance and cardiovascular health – as well as addressing wider trends. For example, did you know that just 15% of the world’s men cook?
The bottom line: Men’s attitude to health is shifting from being traditionally reactive to proactive. With ‘Essentials for men’ we are adopting precisely the same philosophy.

Our philosophy in action: Hitting the right notes with sour cream

Food is a local business. So how do you produce consistent, quality global food products while also catering for different national tastes and preferences?
In the sour cream market, for example, tastes differ very widely. In the United States a sumptuous, buttery flavor is preferred, while Germans prefer more fresh, lactic notes.
Following extensive research into these different national tastes we launched DELVO®FRESH Sour Cream, a range of specialized cultures that dairies and food companies can use as an essential building block when creating different variations of sour cream to fit the needs of local markets.
What makes this product different is the fact that it’s available in 17 variations – each geared to very specific preferences. The range includes five different taste profiles corresponding to different regional preferences, each with three levels of texture improvement possibilities corresponding to the fat level of the end product - which again reflects regional variations.
Added to that we developed two blends with reduced fermentation time - corresponding to specific countries’ manufacturing needs (such as Germany).
The result is that our customers now have far more freedom and choice in developing the right concept for the right market.

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